Specter, a five-term Republican and ranking member on the Senate Judiciary Committee, is facing a tough primary challenge next year from former Club for Growth president Pat Toomey. He was one of the three Republicans to support President Obama’s stimulus bill, and his liberal approach to many issues -- from his devoted opposition to the Supreme Court nomination of Robert Bork to his support for illegal alien amnesty programs -- earned him a low ACU rating of 43 in 2006. This switch will give the Democrats their 60-seat filibuster-proof majority.
The comments at Human Events are priceless.
Left unspoken is how much RINOs like Specter damaged the Republican brand, not only as evidence that they have no backbone, consistent philosophy, or core beliefs. But also for their stupidity in continuing to support someone who always spits in their eye. Good riddance, Specter. You never really counted for much anyway.
Edit: See here for more on the moral implications of Senator Specter's decision.
Yeah, great plan, Sydney. Push all the RINOs out of the party and give the Dems a fillibuster proof majority.
They already had one. Specter has consistently voted with the Democrats. This is a change in name only.
He didn't vote with the Dems all of the time. Now he will. And now several of the other RINOs (Snowe, McCain) might also move further leftwards.
Good riddance ... and a happy new election, in which we can put up a candidate who my state can trust to not change party affiliation for no urgent reason at all.
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