Monday, March 30, 2009

More Hot Air Bigotry

It only takes several posts in this thread about Obama speaking at Notre Dame for the bigots to show up.

You are soooo right. The Church protects the unborn while covered up for years the rape of childern by priests. I guess you are procted while the in mother’s womb; but once you leave it: watch out for the priests!!!!!!

Chekote on March 29, 2009 at 11:34 AM

Here, blogger Ed Morrissey tries to deal with the guy when he rants about the Church and the death penalty:

The Catholic Church also opposes the death penalty. Why was it okay to invite Bush and not Obama? More hypocrisy from the Catholic Church.

Chekote on March 29, 2009 at 11:35 AM

Not as a matter of doctrine, as it does with abortion. In fact, the church specifically does not reject it entirely, as explained in paragraph 2267 of the Catechism. Maybe if you didn’t get your anti-Catholic talking points from Jack Chick tracts, you’d know that.

Ed Morrissey on March 29, 2009 at 11:39 AM

It obviously doesn't work:

What is hilarious is the that the Catholic hierachy still thinks is has moral authority when it come to “protecting” innocent children. Not even Catholics listen to what the Church has to say. The majority voted for Obama. I just wish the Bishops would spend their time regaining the trust of Catholics instead of these phony controversies. It is a tradition to invite POTUS regardless of the politics. STOP THE HYPOCRISY!!!!!

Chekote on March 29, 2009 at 11:39 AM

ThackerAgency is well known resident anti-Catholic bigot at Hot Air. Here's some from him:

Why don’t Catholics believe that abortion is terrible? Ed seems like the only one who does (maybe he shouldn’t be Catholic to avoid being stained with the same hypocritical stereotype that is prevalent among Catholics). The Catholic Church seems to only care when the hierarchy of the Church senses the ability to get some publicity and headlines.

ThackerAgency on March 29, 2009 at 12:00 PM

Thacker loves to bash the Pope. You'd think a pro-lifer would decide to find something in common with the Church? Nope. He's a bigger bigot than he is a pro-lifer.

HAHAHAHAHA! main stream Protestants find ALL ABORTION ABHORRENT. We don’t need a pope or bishop to tell us that. Our shepherd is Jesus, not a person.

Apparently you have been told that only Catholics are pro-life.

ThackerAgency on March 29, 2009 at 12:01 PM

Chekote pretends that his problem is hypocrisy, but later we learn what his real problem with the Church is.

Someone who facilitates implementation of the death penalty has not committed a mortal sin requiring coonfession - however according to the RCC someone who participates in aborting a baby does.

More hypocrisy on the part of the Church. They oppose both abortion and the death penalty because of the principle of the dignity of human person. The doctrine makes exceptions only in cases when there is no other option available to protect life, i.e. self-defence and the life of the mother. Same principle. Same exceptions. Same thing. The fact that the Church enforces one more than the other just shows how intellectually dishonest the Church is. That’s why they keep losing moral authority among their followers.

Chekote on March 29, 2009 at 12:34 PM

Here's the standard "all priests are molesters" argument:

Obama giving the commencement to the graduating class of Notre Dame sends a very strong message from the Church that they don’t care about upholding fundamental moral tenets.

chunderroad on March 29, 2009 at 12:41 PM

They already have done that when they chose to protect molesting priests instead of turning them in to the authorities. Where is Cardinal Law (The enabler-in-chief) these days?

Chekote on March 29, 2009 at 12:59 PM


Once you start down that slippery slope of not supporting your core principles,,,,,

The Catholic Church has been down that slippery slope for centuries. Nothing new here.

Chekote on March 29, 2009 at 1:44 PM

The reason for Chekote's anger? Here it is:

I was raised Catholic but I am non-practicing. See, no hypocrisy on my part.

Chekote on March 29, 2009 at 5:03 PM

His real reason is that he's pro-choice, though. Liars and slanderers of Catholicism are almost always pro-choice:

Actually, you are very wrong. I am not a Democrat. I am a conservative, very active in local Republican politics. Just ask jeanie, artist and INC. I just happen to be pro-choice because I can see where reasonable, moral people can come to the conclusion that a fertilized egg or an embryo consisting of 1o cells (that’s what we are talking about when we deal with embryonic stem cell research) is not a person. Therefore, in order to allow people to exercise their personal beliefs about life, ensoulment, etc., the best public policy position is to permit abortion on demand in the early stages (1st trimester) and restrict it during the latter stages.

Chekote on March 29, 2009 at 3:33 PM

As soon as Chekote says he'll leave the thread, ANOTHER bigot shows up. Hot Air never fails!

Given the fact that the Catholic Church has been complicit in covering up the rapes committed by its priests and complicit with the acts of Nazi Germany, (and these are only headline items) I find it highly entertaining that it tries to take moral stands and even more amusing that anyone takes it seriously.

But maybe that is just me.

Doubt it somehow.

Ares on March 29, 2009 at 4:15 PM

Ares really hates the Church:

The notion that abortion, at any stage, has ever been acceptable in the Roman Catholic Church is a barefaced lie.

chunderroad on March 29, 2009 at 4:06 PM

When did schtupping boys and nuns get official sign off? Because I am pretty sure the Church has been complicit in that for at least the last thousand years.

Apples and oranges maybe? Perhaps there are hairs to be split here - abortion vs. homosexual statutory rape.

Catholics are the very last people on earth who should be sounding off on moral issues.

“The mote in your eye” comes to mind.

Ares on March 29, 2009 at 5:10 PM

Chekote then comes back for more lies about "Hitler's pope." He's just spewing the standard anti-Catholic talking points it seems:

I am not posting as Ares. But good point. What about the Catholic Church cooperation with Mussolini and the Nazi? I am sure they did that in the name of the dignity of human life.

Chekote on March 29, 2009 at 5:11 PM

Ares has a real problem with the Church teaching people right from wrong:

The Catholic Church and its adherents should clean up their house before trying to force feed their version of morality on the rest of the world. Admittedly they have had a great deal of success, especially in developing nations with under-educated populations, but its claim to any kind of moral authority is at best suspect given its disgraceful history of covering up sexual abuse and of course its collusion with the nazis and other totalitarians in the 20th century.

Personally I don’t care if priests schtup alter boys and nuns regularly. Personally I don’t even care that they colluded with the fascists in WW2. What sticks in my craw is having these craven fools try to ram down their twisted morality down everyone’s throats.


Ares on March 29, 2009 at 5:32 PM

Hot Air often has a lot of Catholics attempting to defend against lies, smears, and other attacks from anti-Catholic bigots or Angry Lapsed Catholics. Even co-blogger Ed Morrissey tried it here, for one post. 4 pages of rants later, Hot Air again shows no inclination of putting an end to these sorts of posts. And these people are REPUBLICANS. Thacker says he's PRO-LIFE.

Am I the only one here who thinks it's a huge problem that so many self-described Republicans are anti-Catholic bigots?


Anonymous said...

"Liars and slanderers of Catholicism are almost always pro-choice."

--So you must be bigoted against pro-choice people, correct?
Here's the standard "all priests are molesters" argument:

Obama giving the commencement to the graduating class of Notre Dame sends a very strong message from the Church that they don’t care about upholding fundamental moral tenets.

chunderroad on March 29, 2009 at 12:41 PM

They already have done that when they chose to protect molesting priests instead of turning them in to the authorities. Where is Cardinal Law (The enabler-in-chief) these days?

Chekote on March 29, 2009 at 12:59 PM

--Strange. I don't see Chekote writing that "all priests are molestors" from this post. What I see him/her writing is that the Catholic church did cover up the molesting that was done.

Do you have support for some of the things you write?

Sydney Carton said...

Chekote said that priests are molestors when in his first post in that thread he said "I guess you are procted while the in mother’s womb; but once you leave it: watch out for the priests!!!!!!"

It was his first point in the thread. It's simply ridiculous to argue that he wasn't making a broad statement. He did.

Anonymous said...

Stanley, here's his comment. I sure don't see the word "all" or even "most" in it.

"You are soooo right. The Church protects the unborn while covered up for years the rape of childern by priests. I guess you are procted while the in mother’s womb; but once you leave it: watch out for the priests!!!!!!"

I do see the "all" in your comment, though, Stanley: "Liars and slanderers of Catholicism are almost always pro-choice."

Hmm. Who is the bigot?